Proof that the Fake Statewins is a Scam
So .ok isn't the scam?

Sorry - so [scam-site] was the new scam site? Can't see any of the links in the initial post, what made it so dodge?

this is a blank reply

Also been tryint to access let me know if yoh find real one

thanks for sharing

someone must have the current state-wins website, after .pk went down. please share!

I'm still not entirely clear about what made it a scam? Other than the fact it's now offline?

Thats horrible

What was horrible? I can't access the very first link I'm the thread so am not sure what's going on...

Damn pretty whack

I knew it. anyone using that site is a complete moron

Someone want to elaborate a little for those who can't access the first link?

- Reposted content as new
- Never updated sets or links

what link was it

the .pk of statewins now redirects to state-wins, heard something about it being raided?

Raided you say?
The state-wins version was around for quite a while I thought?

Is the site being unusually slow for anyone else today?

Which site being slow? This one?

It's only a matter of time til law enforcement grabs the admin. He is openly selling hacked content, UA content, sextortion guides, and offering hacking services. He's a moron.

I bet!
Does anyone know what happened to the variant of the site, seems it went down in early October.
Curious what that means for anyone who actually bought from them (seems a number here did).
Site suspended and deleted by their host, dropped by SW or taken down by the authorities!

I didn’t know that was the fake site

I don't get why you would even pay for leaks