Failed to Deliver After Payment
The following user MockBloom69 is pretending to sell content under the premium sellers thread and is ghosting users after submitting payment.  I was interested in a set  and after I submitted payment as requested, the user proceeded to ghost me.  I request that he either provides me the content which was agreed upon or refunds the initial payment in full.  If not, I would like all of his active threads to be taken down so that others do not get scammed, in addition to his account being terminated.

The user has been banned because of multiple other reports.
Please read the FAQ's before you message me.
Message me if you have any issues with the forum

[Image: bde77860ca7faa1f89ec9c4c3771efcb.gif]

[+] 1 user Likes Lucifer NightStar's post
F that person, if its state wins collections you tried to buy. first one is on the house, and 10 after that for each. tele @fightdax

[+] 1 user Likes franklinbluth1's post