Steam Game Deadlock
Anyone played the Steam game Deadlock?

It's in early development, invite only. Not sure how hard it is to get an invite. There's a couple discussion threads on Steam for free invites but they look pretty spammy.

It's actually so fucking fun bro. It's like overwatch mixed with league. If you don't like those games you'll probably hate it tho LMAO

Watched some Footage of it and had people tell me how much they like it, but for me personally mobas and hero shooters overstayed their welcome.

Had over 1k hours in Smite, played Overwatch 1 +2 , Paladins, Rogue Company, HOTS, briefly dabbled in Apex Legends, Valorant and League of Legends.

That being said, the game looks very well done for what it is. If it released two, three years ago i would have been all over it.